The Dojo: The Ancient Wisdom of Integrative Leadership for the Modern Entrepreneur
by Tony Bonnici
About the Book
Get ready to enter The Dojo.
In The Dojo, you’ll learn to be more than a leader in profits but an Integrated Leader, one in your relationships, health, and spirituality.
Raised in a Buddhist temple, a Junior Olympian in judo, and diagnosed as dyslexic in high school, Tony Bonnici learned how to adapt and look at things outside the box in creative and different ways. While his businesses and revenue grew, it took the birth of his second son to realize there was more to life than making money. He discovered the ancient secrets to building a highly profitable business without sacrificing his life.
For the first time, he shares his method with the public. In an informative and experiential context, he explores The Dojo- Integrated Leadership by teaching you the path of the Monk, Sage, Samurai, and Sensei. This is the same method that has had his clients 10x their revenue, repair their relationships, heal their bodies and develop a fulfilling spiritual connection.
If you’re ready to learn to walk the true path of success and allow your body/mind/soul to dream bigger than you ever thought possible, then step into the Dojo.
“This kind of discipline and concentration paid
dividends in all the other areas in my life.”
Jason Seaward,
CEO and Founder of Motion Recruitment
“I experience myself in a totally new way, reembodying
my skills as an Integrated Leader.”
Michael Bonahan,
CEO of Wisdom Windfall,
Former Director of Boys to Men, Hawaii
“Tony has encouraged me to not only focus on
growing my business and legacy but to not lose
sight of my relationships, spiritual practice, and selfcare.”
Renée Tillotson,
Founder of The Still & Moving Center and
The Mindful Movement Academ”y
About the Author
Tony Bonnici is the Founder of Zen Men and the Creator of The Dojo—Integrated Leadership. Raised in a Buddhist temple, having trained as a Junior Olympian in judo, diagnosed with dyslexia, and with over 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur, Tony learned to combine the Ancient Wisdom and Teachings of Zen and blend it with entrepreneurship to generate over $5M in sales. For the past 20 years, he has taught this method to entrepreneurs and clients around the world inviting them to enter The Dojo to develop more than just their businesses but fulfilled lives.