Writing & Publishing
Your Book
What is involved in writing and publishing your book? You only get one chance to make a first impression! I’ve seen many unprofessional looking self-published books, and that immediately reflects on the author. We have all been handed the “template” business card or tried to navigate a “home made” word press website, and we judge that person as someone new to business. The published book is no different, whether it is a book that is show-casing your expertise or representing your personal brand. We judge a book by the cover and we judge the author by the content and how it is presented. There are a lot of moving parts to produce a professional published book, and no one can be an expert in all these areas. So what are the steps that a book will go through?
1. Development/ strategy meeting with the publisher.
Before you even start writing, you need to understand the goals and audience of your book concept and the timeline to create the manuscript. Most people will start writing and then figure out the next steps, we want to help you with the structure, purpose, flow and development of the content before you even start writing.
2. Story development sessions.
The first few meetings is to plan the strategy for your book and develop a chapter plan. We do this with author interviews to pull out the story, or story development sessions if that is preferred. We review any existing writing, or content that may exist already (such as blogs, website content, articles, speeches etc). We then create a timeline based on the chapter plan (for the first draft an example is 500 words per day, one chapter per week, eight weeks for the first draft completion).
3. Structural and Developmental Editing.
Unlike many publishing houses, Influence Publishing holds your hand every step of the way in the actual development of the content. Developmental editing is done as you create the first draft.
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When the first rough draft of the manuscript is being created, we assess the overall organization, structure, and content of the material to determine its suitability for the intended audience, medium, market, and purpose. We can do this on a weekly basis as you create the content and review your progress at our weekly meetings. For most authors, each chapter written brings more clarity and a better understanding of the goals and audience for the book. How quickly we do this is decided in the first meeting. Structural editing is looking at the big picture. It is evaluating a manuscript and analyzing how well its constituent parts contribute to the central message or narrative. The structural editor goes macro and asks, ‘Does this work as a book?’
“Structural editing (sometimes called developmental editing or substantive editing) is the most complex and time-consuming stage of the editorial process.” — Robert Doran ©
For those that come to us with their first draft already written, we will review these areas and then make our recommendations what is required to move forward.
- Theme: Is your theme/topic/subject clearly defined or is it lost among marginal issues?
- Exposition: Are your arguments clear and cogent? Are they professionally researched and properly supported? Do they have a clear relationship with your topic?
- Content: Are all the necessary topics sufficiently dealt with? Are the chapters weighted correctly? Is there superfluous content?
- Organization: Is the information organized logically? Are tables and illustrations used appropriately? How many levels of subheads do you need and how should they be arranged? Is there a more creative way to present the structure for impact?
- Tone: Is the tone appropriate for the audience? Do you need to eliminate jargon? Is the text accessible?
- Pace: Are there passages that are bogged down in detail? Do you spend too long on detail irrelevant to the main thesis? Are there areas that need further exposition lest they be skipped over? (excerpted from Robert Doran) Highlighting potential citation and quotation copyright infringement and/or libel challenges. Recommendation if further editing or proof-reading services are required.
4. Content Editing
A full content or technical edit includes flow, sentence structure, spelling, grammar, and punctuation edits. You will work directly with the assigned editor on suggested rewrites and edits. This process can take up to 6 weeks with two, three, four or more editing rounds. This is a specialized area of editing by an expert in language and the technical side of writing. It is a completely different skill-set to developmental and structural editing and you will see quite different feedback to that which you received at the developmental stage.
5. Proof Reading
A professional proofreader is a different skill set than the content editor. By the time the content editor has tracked changes as they go back and forth, it is likely that new errors might be introduced such as spacing issues or missing words. The proof reader is a new set of eyes on the manuscript and is essential to ensure accuracy and to set instructions for the typesetter.
6. Pre-production review with the publisher.
Now we have the signed off manuscript, it is time to create the book. A review will include feedback on final word count, chapter layout, size and format of book (if exercises, charts, illustrations are used), genre suitability and competitive analysis of books similar on the market. There are many options and considerations on the topic of the final “look” of your book.
7. Metadata/ Marketing Meeting with the Publisher.
MetaData is all the elements of the book that helps your book get found. It is the “packaging” of the book that helps the reader and the book seller to understand what your book is about.
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It is not just the cover design but the choice of title, sub-title, headline for the back cover, synopsis, author bio, testimonials and the use of key words in all these elements. People do judge a book by the cover and the book cover design concept takes into account many elements to reflect your branding. We can also work with your own marketing/brand staff to ensure your branding is reflected.
The MetaData meeting includes:
- Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats personalized session for Book concept, purpose, and brand. Who is on the market and what gap do you fill? Price point, page count and book design comparative analysis. Overview how these fits into your business and brand.
- Title pages brief including testimonials, preface/prologue/intro/foreword, Dedication, Acknowledgments, Postscript/Afterword, Sales Page, Author portrait, Appendix/Index
- Interior Design layout personalized for each book including brief and discussion on typesetting preferences, font, heading style, illustrations and charts/diagrams, worksheets, journal notes, spacing, chapter layout, table of contents etc.
- Amazon and bookstore Book Search Optimization and BISACC Codes. Your book needs to be categorized in the right way for book wholesalers, retailers, online stores, libraries and Universities/colleges. If you book is not placed in the worldwide distribution system with the right coding, it will not be found.
- Amazon Best Seller Strategy Amazon categories and keywords. Amazon has it’s own unique categories different to the industry standard, so it is necessary to select categories closest.
8. Book Launch and Marketing Strategy Meeting with the publisher.
9. TEDx Application pitch guide and topic focus.
From the content of the book, we discuss the viability of a TEDx talk based on the topic that addresses the values of TED. We help you with the research of the available venues and locations and their themes open for applications. We help you with the application process to apply for multiple locations with a talk title that is compelling and stands out. This will provide excellent credibility if you want a speaker profile.
10. Launch event planning.
We recommend all books are launched as Amazon Best Sellers to optimize SEO opportunities for your book. Amazon is the largest search engine for books and content (not only readers but journalists, speaking agencies etc.) and SEO only searches the Best Seller’s on Amazon, so if you are not a Best Seller, your book will never turn up in a search. Other opportunities for launch include brainstorming ideas such as collaborative events with other authors and other JV opportunities.
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Strategies are discussed to understand the best media for you to approach and press release templates are supplied. We optimize our network to spread the word about your book. Social media campaign strategies are discussed, including finding target readers via #tags, groups, and trending topics. Finding influencers via keyword search software and resources. We coordinate the Amazon Best Seller virtual launch event hosted on your Facebook event page. We share the event with the Influence network, Authors of Influence network (200 authors with Influence and big networks). We optimize the reach on social media with Bestseller status reports and images on campaign day and celebrate Amazon Best Seller success on all social media platforms. Featured Author interview on the Influence Publishing Inc. Home Page and shared to networks. Lifetime membership to private author Facebook group with collaborative opportunities and networking and ongoing marketing resources with over 200 like-minded authors of Influence. Ongoing resource for questions and marketing advice for book marketing.
Summary of Publishing Services:
- Electronic Galley Proof for Advanced reading copy
- ISBN registration for Canadians with library and archives, and registration guidance for USA and for other countries as required.
- Paperback Format (Hard cover only on request) Black and white or Colour on request.
- E-Book Format set-up Distribution Services
- Digital Formatting and Distribution set up for print
- Set up Book listing and Worldwide Book Distribution with the world’s largest book distributor (print and e-book) – over 30,000 book retailers, distributors, wholesalers and online.
- Book Listing and author page with your own unique URL on the Influence Publishing Inc. website (including artwork) and assist with set up for Canadian and USA book ordering and fulfillment direct from your website. Coach you through the options for worldwide ordering.
- Set up Book ordering direct from printer at print cost
- Custom Layout Technician using InDesign Professional Book Publishing Standards
- Personalized Book Cover Design and artwork and/or review and complete
- Personalized Interior Page Layout and typeset to professional publishing standards
- 20 Image Insertions (black and white photos, charts or text boxes) More images and colour images on request.
- Artwork upload for worldwide print and distribution (POD and offset if required)
Your Investment: $9997.00
For the fully inclusive price of $9997 the 10 items above are completely project managed by our team.
Accelerated Publishing Program
Already have a manuscript or first draft of your book written? You may qualify for our Accelerated Publishing Program. You can now save up to $3000 USD on our regular publishing agreement! This is a limited time offer, so if you know someone who is close to completing their manuscript and looking for a publisher, please pass on this information! If you would like to learn more or take advantage of this special program please send an email to admin@influencepublishing.com with the subject line – Accelerated Publishing Program. If you would like a free 30 min assessment to see if you qualify for the program, please put in the subject line – Manuscript Assessment Consultation.
Some of Our
Individual Books & Authors
Sharon Mason
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Belynda Lee
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Nadine Sands
This ‘stay positive in difficult times’ story is about a man with ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) and his wife who writes about their inspiring journey in her blog called ALS With Courage. Nadine Sands reflects on her husband’s strength and determination, on their hope and faith in God, and the sorrow and joy of learning to let go.
Alison Perry-Davies
Over the past six decades, Ali Perry-Davies has learned many lessons about how trauma can impact our lives and what we can do to to bring balance and joy and thrive in a world that suggests surviving is enough. In this book, she shares her own history with trauma and the long and winding path she has taken toward healing.
Robinson Smith
“Julie was very generous with her time both in person and over the phone, and I certainly wouldn’t have the quality of product that I do without her and her team.”
Jodee Prouse
“I never intended to be a writer. In fact, just a few short months ago I made body lotion for a living, but my heart propelled me. I had an important story to tell – one that I felt would make an impact on this world in a positive way. The final manuscript, through Julie and my editor Nina’s expertise, is far greater than I could have ever done on my own.”
Jennifer Nagel
“The more I learned about Influence Publishing and how they work so collaboratively with their authors, the more I knew this would be a good fit for me. When Julie first read through the manuscript, she was extremely thorough in her comments and structural feedback. She had a knack for finding the gaps and asking for more.”
Jerry Wong
Walking a Crooked Smile: An Inner Journey to Peace by Jerry WongAbout the BookWithin each and every human alive, there exists a sacred space. If one has the will and determination to seek out and find this sacred space within, he/she will connect with something far...