The Miracle Mindset: Stories of How a Change in Thinking Changes Your Life!
by Diane C. Lund
The Miracle Mindset: Stories of How a Change in Thinking Changes Your Life!
by Diane C. Lund
Are miracles just for the religious and spiritual? Can everyone experience miracles in their lives? A Course in Miracles clearly states that miracles are natural. They’re everyone’s right and all we have to do is learn how to have them show up in our lives. And that is what the stories in this book illustrate.
The stories in this book are all real accounts of how these business women, friends, reverands, and students of A Course in Miracles experienced miracles in their lives. These are their stories of hope and inspiration that demonstrate how they have turned their world upside down by changing their mindset from negative to positive – from fearful to loving.
Turn Your World UPSIDE DOWN To Get Your Life RIGHT SIDE UP! Reverse Thinking Based on A Course in Miracles
Book II: Health, Conflict, Fear and Happiness
by Diane C. Lund
About the Book
The spiritual principles or reverse thoughts presented in A Course in Miracles (ACIM) are 180-degrees from most western thinking. So, this book challenges readers to think and live in new ways. Applying this reverse thinking is what helps to create miracles in our lives. Changing our thoughts and listening to the still, small voice within creates a loving foundation upon which we can all live kinder, gentler and more peaceful lives.
The author’s personal experience with A Course in Miracles over three decades as a student, teacher and Reverend illustrates how to weave together your inner world with your outer world to resolve personal conflicts, understand our relationships and find peace admist the chaos of everyday living.
If you are interested in living a happier, more fulfilling life, this book gives personal stories and insights into how to Turn Your World UPSIDE DOWN To Get Your Life RIGHT SIDE UP!
“I love Diane’s wisdom and leadership. The course challenges most of our traditional perspectives about how life works and reality is constructed. This is a very exciting journey.”
— Lynn Sumida, MSW, RSW, President, Director of Training Miruspoint Facilito ”
“At last a clear and simple way to begin to understand the principles behind A Course in Miracles and how they can truly change our lives.”
— Julie Salisbury, TedX Speaker and Publisher
Turn Your World UPSIDE DOWN To Get Your Life RIGHT SIDE UP! Reverse Thinking Based on A Course in Miracles
Book I: Life’s Big Questions, Relationships, Work and Money
by Diane C. Lund
The spiritual principles or reverse thoughts presented in A Course in Miracles (ACIM) are 180-degrees from most western thinking. So, this book challenges readers to think and live in new ways. Applying this reverse thinking is what helps to create miracles in our lives. Changing our thoughts and listening to the still, small voice within creates a loving foundation upon which we can all live kinder, gentler and more peaceful lives.
The author’s personal experience with A Course in Miracles over three decades as a student, teacher and Reverend illustrates how to weave together your inner world with your outer world to resolve personal conflicts, understand our relationships and find peace admist the chaos of everyday living.
If you are interested in living a happier, more fulfilling life, this book gives personal stories and insights into how to Turn Your World UPSIDE DOWN To Get Your Life RIGHT SIDE UP!
About the Author
Ever pursuing her creative and spiritual side, Diane received the formal designation Reverend with CIMM: Canadian International Metaphysical Ministries. She has been offering A Course in Miracles Study Groups in her home for over twenty-five years. You can engage with her inspirational materials in many ways.

Interview with Reverend Diane C. Lund
by Anita Voth
Please share a bit about your journey to become a published author.
I have worked as a Creative Director, Creative Writer and Producer, first at Vancouver advertising agencies, and for the last 30 years in my own company Creative Wonders Communications. I always wanted to write books. However, I was always busy writing for other people. One day I met Julie Ann Salisbury’s assistant at a conference. Influence Publishing had a table there and I stopped by to talk about my writing aspirations. Her assistant eventually got me a meeting with Julie, and I went to her “Inspire A Book” weekend workshop. That was five years ago. I presented four different book outlines to the group and they decided I should write the book that was my fourth choice – first! Julie’s workshop started me down the path to writing my two #1 Amazon Bestselling Books called:
Turn Your World UPSIDE DOWN to Get Your Life RIGHT SIDE UP:
Reverse Thinking based on A Course in Miracles.
Book I: Life’s Big Questions, Relationships, Work and Money.
Book II: Health, Conflict, Fear and Happiness
To focus on the writing of the books I went to Julie’s writing retreats in Turks and Caicos, France and Mexico. It has been a journey with many twists and turns as I decided I didn’t want to just write a book, I wanted to learn how to market the books I was creating and so I created a new business called: Diane Lund Miracles focused on my on-going passion: spirituality.
THE MIRACLE MINDSET is the first collaborative book I have led and created with Influence Publishing. Julie Ann the founder of Influence Publishing is one of the authors featured in this book. I was interested in going from “ME” doing all the writing and marketing to “WE” sharing and working together as a collective for good. Plus, it is always way more fun doing things with others rather than just alone. In a poem by a Hopi Elder called: WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR… it says, “The time of the lone wolf is over!”. And I believe it. Now, we are meant to work together for things we believe in.
In this collaborative book, my intention is to show that miracles are not just for those who study the course or those who think they are spiritual. These principles apply to everyone, period. No exceptions. Once you understand The Miracle Mindset (which means you think from love and not from fear) you can start practising this way of thinking.
To help you learn how to shift your mindset, I have brought together ten of my good friends – accomplished businesswomen as well as A Course in Miracles students and reverends who have been ordained by the Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry to teach ACIM – to share their own experiences with The Miracle Mindset. Through their stories, you can see how each author moved away from fearful thinking and embraced loving thinking and consequently felt more peace and joy in their lives
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How does the writing process work for you? Do you schedule a time every day or work madly when inspiration hits?
Generally, I write on the weekends because I write during the week for my many Creative Wonders’ clients. I write websites, brochures, online ads, videos and much more. So, at the end of my workday my brain is tired. The weekends work best because I can have an uninterrupted period to focus on writing. During COVID however there was much more time available to be at home in front of my computer screen as people were not socializing as much. So, I did start to write this current book THE MIRACLE MINDSET during the weekdays as well.
What did you find most difficult about the writing and publishing process?
The thing I found most difficult about the writing and publishing process was learning how to market your book. There was just so much to learn and do. I took a course called “Author to Income” from Tamara Monosoff and she was the one that encouraged me to do a video introduction for each chapter: that is something I would have never thought to do.
What was the easiest?
Creating the videos was literally the easiest thing I did for the book. Julie and I created all 30 videos in France at the most amazing locations. I would just listen to my inner guidance and when I heard “do a video here” I would give Julie my camera and she would give me the title of one of my book’s chapters and I would just speak off the cuff – no scripts. Almost all the videos were done in just one-take in locations I never could have even dreamt of because I did not know they even existed. You can read all about it in the story My Miracle in France in THE MIRACLE MINDSET book.
What titles have you released?
I have been in two collaborative books one led by Christine Awram and another by a good friend Rebecca Harrison.
- WOW: WOMAN OF WORTH: 15 Empowered Entrepreneurs Share Success Stories with Soul. Christine Awram in collaboration with 15 Entrepreneurial women. My story was called: The Creative Entrepreneur.
- FAMILY TREE: EMBRACING YOUR MOTHER DAUTHER Roots for Forgiveness, Fulfillment and Freedom. Rebecca Harrison in collaboration with 10 other women. My story is entitled: The Lotus and the Prickly Pear.
I was the bestselling Amazon Author with the following two books. Book I published in June 2020. Book II published in November 2021.
- TURN YOUR WORLD UPSIDE DOWN TO GET YOUR LIFE RIGHT SIDE UP! Reverse Thinking Based on A Course in Miracles.
Book I: Life’s Big Questions, Relationships, Work and Money.
#1 Bestseller in Spirituality
#1 Bestseller in New Thought
#1 Bestseller in Movers and Shakers in Books
#1 Bestseller Hot New Releases in Religion and Spirituality
#1 Bestseller Hot New Releases in Spirituality
#1 Bestseller Hot New Releases in New Thought
#1 Bestseller Hot New Releases in New Age Meditations
- TURN YOUR WORLD UPSIDE DOWN TO GET YOUR LIFE RIGHT SIDE UP! Reverse Thinking Based on A Course in Miracles.
Book II: Health, Conflict, Fear and Happiness.
#1 Bestseller in New Thought,
#1 Bestseller Movers and Shakers in Book
#1 Bestseller Mind, Body, Spirit and Self Help
#1 Bestseller Hot New Releases in New Thought
#1 Bestseller Mind, Body and Spirit.
The first collaborative book I have led and created with Influence Publishing launches May 18, 2022.
Stories of How a Change in Thinking Changes Your Life.
#1 Amazon Bestselling Author Reverend Diane C. Lund in collaboration with:
Carole Ames, Joyce Bauer, Reverend Helena Elias, Flora Gordon, Julie Ann, Joanne Damant-Brooks, Laurel Favel, Lynn Sumida, Margot Ware,
and Reverend Lisa Windsor.
An Interactive Book with Engaging Videos, Links to Podcasts, Websites, and Free Downloads to Help You Create Your Miracle Mindset.
Why did you write this book?
After writing two bestselling books based around the Reverse Thinking in A Course in Miracles, I decided at my heart I wanted to go from ME doing everything to WE are sharing everything. You see for thirty years I have been the owner and Creative Director, running my advertising and marketing business called Creative Wonders Communications. Concurrently, I have been running A Course in Miracles study groups for three decades.
A Course in Miracles states that we are all of one mind – interconnected. I believe now is the time to work together to collaborate and demonstrate this central idea. My main aim for writing this book is to show that miracles are truly for everyone, they are not for special people or spiritual people. Miracles are for everyone. Consequently, I have invited ten good friends who are entrepreneurs, spiritual seekers, businesswomen, mothers, and reverends to share their experiences of how a change in thinking, or a change in perspective, (which is the definition of a miracle according to A Course in Miracles) changed their lives.
My wish is to contribute to the evolution of our global consciousness at this unique time in history. Over the past few years, the Corona virus is showing us we are not separated. We are all in this pandemic together. There is no place on earth where its affect cannot be felt. Perhaps that is one of the great outcomes of the global virus – it is showing us we are not separate. We are all united whether we believe it or not by something that is invisible to the naked eye. My lab tech sister informs me you need a high-power electron microscope to see the virus. But whether we can see it or not, it is changing how we perceive our world. It is asking each of us to step up and evolve.
The stories in this collaborative book give us true-life stories of how:
- Parenting can be viewed differently.
- Death can be a gateway.
- Success is more about giving than receiving.
These are radical concepts for a radical time.
A Course in Miracles emphasizes application rather than theory and experience rather than theology. You must experience the course concepts for yourself; no one can do this internal work for you. The stories in this book illustrate how people from all walks of life changed their fearful thinking into loving thinking and subsequently felt more peace and happiness.
The ideas presented in A Course in Miracles can be downright frightening because, in short, they are asking us to give up the part of ourselves that most of us have spent decades building – our specialness. We are very particular about our likes and dislikes, and we hold on to what we think makes us unique from others. The course not only challenges these ideas, it explains how dangerous and painful holding on to these ideas truly is for all of us.
According to A Course in Miracle peace is not something to be found, it is something that exists within each person. It reveals itself to you when you shift your thinking. Peace is. Just as love is. However, most of us cover up our internal peace and love with fearful and separated thinking. When we think from fear, we become confused, frustrated, full of anxiety, worry and doubt. We blame and project guilt rather than reach within ourselves to change our perceptions. The Miracle Mindset is here to help us look at our dis-ease and change the way we live.
Do you have any new books in the planning or writing stage?
I have also written a beautiful full colour e-book called:
From A to Z in A Course in Miracles
Published probably in 2023
And a book called:
The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth
According To A Course In Miracles.
Published probably in a year or two.
What would you like readers to know about you?
Ever pursuing her creative and spiritual side, Diane received the formal designation Reverend with CIMM: Canadian International Metaphysical Ministries. She has been offering A Course in Miracles Study Groups in her home for over twenty-five years.
Creative Director Diane Lund owns and incorporated CREATIVE WONDERS COMMUNICATIONS 30 years ago, to support, promote and give back to community projects and businesses that were close to her heart. Diane previously worked for over a decade as a Writer/Producer in large downtown ad agencies. After working on many large national accounts Diane decided she wanted to make an impact closer to home, where she could focus on helping and promoting “Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability” (L.O.H.A.S.). Her major areas of focus have been on the following.
• alternative health
• recycling and green initiatives
• community building
• supporting local and small businesses
• promoting personal and spiritual development
Creative Wonders Communications has been visionary in community leadership, the sustainability movement, and their desire to help entrepreneurs create viable, credible and profitable businesses. Giving back over 50% of their profit to the community they won the Ethics in Action award for Community Care. Creative Wonders received the Best Business Award from The North Shore Chamber Of Commerce for Business Excellence, winning over 75 other North Shore companies for our business ethics, community involvement and customer/employee relations.
Do you have any closing thoughts, or a favourite quote, you’d like to share?
“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.” Unknown
I believe peace is something that always exists. It is not something to be found, it is something that reveals itself to you. Peace is. Just as love is. But we cover up our inner peace and love with fearful thinking. When we do this, we become confused, frustrated, full of anxiety, worry and doubt. Then we project blame and guilt rather than reach within ourselves to change our perceptions. I wrote this book to help us all look within, so we can change our minds and come from a loving perspective on all things. I truly believe now is the time to change our thinking if we want to truly change our world. Reverend Diane C. Lund